Project Overview
Personal project turned viral hit
What started as a small passion project intended as an anniversary present, went viral on TikTok, Instagram and YouTube. Desktop Capybara Farm is exactly what its name entails, a pet capybara farm that lives on your desktop and interacts with your windows. The project has garnered over 3+ million views in total and counting over multiple social media posts which translated to 10k+ views and 2k+ downloads on and counting.
Roles: Solo Developer
Team Size: Solo Project
Timeline: 2 Days
- Unity
- Photoshop
- Blender
Licensed Assets:
Development Process Summary
This project has taught me a lot about integrating Unity applications with the Windows operating system. For the capybaras to interact with windows, each open application on the screen is assigned 3D box colliders based on their screen dimension using a low-level Windows API. As the priority was on rapid development, I utilized and modified the Desktopia framework for the OS integration, as well as licensed environment models, allowing me to focus on modelling/animating the capybaras and implementing their state machine behaviour.
Publicly Released November 13th 2021.