Gameplay trailer done by me.
Project Overview
About Delivery Guaranteed
This project was created for the
week-long May 2021 What-A-Jam! which had the jam theme of
shortcuts and pizza.
This seemed like the perfect opportunity to create a 'sandbox' game that
had juicy and engaging gameplay, and allowed players to make their own
shortcuts through physics-based chaos.
To learn more about the game and to download the windows build, you can
do so on the official page below.
Roles: Design Lead, Programmer, Level Designer and Sole Audio Designer
Team Size: 2
Timeline: 2 Days
Jam Theme: 'Make your own shortcuts' (bonus: Pizza)
- Unity
- Photoshop
- Blender
- Github
Licensed Assets:
Development Process Summary
As this project was to be done in less than a week with only 2 people, I
took the role of the primary gameplay systems/mechanics programmer, the
audio designer, art director and design lead.
Delivery Guaranteed allowed me to experiment with different features and
systems such as object pooling, Playerprefs saving, UI implementation with
Unity and an unlockables system.
Publicly Released November 13th 2021.